Band competition-SOLSC-13/31

So today was interesting. My band took a trip to a competition in Charlotte. We had been practicing 3 songs for a long time. When we left the school all 91 of us with our instruments piled into 1 bus. We were 3 to a seat and squished toward the window to keep feet from the isle. When we reached the school and watched other bands we became nervous because they were really good. As we were about to step on stage Ari freaked out because we were missing Amber. Amber had been complaining all day about her stomach so a few people went to look in the bathroom and around the school. Eventually we had to go perform without her, the whole time freaking out because we lost a person. When we finally finished we had to go to the sight reading section. After that we went back to the room and found that Amber had gotten sick and called her dad. That was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders because I thought she was lost. She did not ride home with us, but last I knew Amber was feeling much better!


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