A Lot to Say- SOLSC-2/31

The question, “how was school?,” often goes unanswered. Nothing ever seems to be important enough to share with others who have their own lives. Today was different. As I walked through the door, excitement burst out of me because so much had happened. The school day was filled with TV interviewers, new classes, volunteering stories, experiences at the chiropractor, and news of another school shooting. Words swirled across my mind, as I made attempts to pick out the best ones with which to explain my day.

My goal for March is to learn something new about myself each day. Today, I learned that even if nothing happens to me, I can still find excitement in the experiences of others.


  1. This is such a cool challenge that allows you to learn so much. I can’t wait to see how you grow and learn about yourself this month!!

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